Kaufman County Republican Party
about us
About our party
The Kaufman County Republican Party is one of 254 County Parties. Republicans hold the majority in 107 countieshttps://texasgop.org/about/https://texasgop.org/overview-and-history/https://texasgop.org/platform/https://texasgop.org/leadership-directory/party-officers/
KCRP Party By-Laws
The name of this organization shall be the Kaufman County Republican Party Executive Committee, hereinafter referred to as the CEC (County Executive Committee).
Section 1: The purpose of the CEC shall be:a. To conduct the business of the Kaufman County Republican Party asrequired by the Texas Election Code, the Republican Party of Texas and any and all other business that may be required; to support the objectives and policies of the National and State Committees; and to work for the election of the Republican Party's nominees;b. To promote an informed electorate through political education;c. To increase the effectiveness of residents of Kaufman County in the cause of good government through active participation;d. To facilitate cooperation among Republicans of Kaufman and the surroundings counties and to promote the welfare and growth of theKaufman County Republican Party;e. To foster and encourage loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its ideals as outlined in the State Party Platform.
Section 2: The CEC is charged with the responsibility of observing all the laws of the State of Texas and these United States in fulfilling the purpose stated in this article.
Section 1: The members of the CEC shall be the County Chairman and the Precinct Chairman as provided by the Texas Election Code section 171.022 (I)
Section 2: To qualify to hold office of Precinct Chairman, a candidate must be a qualified voter residing within the bounds of the entity represented and cannot be a candidate for nomination or election to, or be the holder of, an elective office of the federal, state, or county government, as provided by the Texas Election Code section 161.005 and 171.022 (2).
Section 3: The CEC serves for a term of two years beginning the 20th day after the runoff primary election date as provided by the Texas Election Code section 171. 022 (2)(c).
Section 4: In accordance with the provisions of Section 171.025 of the Texas Election Code, any vacancy in the office of County Chairman or Precinct Chairman shall be filled by the CEC. A majority of the total membership of the CEC must participate in filling a vacancy and the person elected must receive a majority of votes cast of those members participating in the election as provided by the Texas Election Code section 171.024 (a) and (c) and 171.025.
Section 5: A member of the CEC may personally endorse a candidate in a contested Primary Election provided a disclaimer is included stating "title used /or identification purposes only".
Section 1 : The officers of the CEC shall be the County Chairman, the County Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and PAC Treasurer(s) as determined by the CEC. The officers of the CEC may or may not be precinct chairs.
Section 2: The term of office shall be concurrent with that of the CEC. The Treasurer and PAC Treasurer(s) shall serve until a new PAC Treasurer is appointed and the proper forms are filed with the Texas Ethics Commission and/or the Federal Elections Commission.
Section 3: A vacancy in the office of Secretary shall be filled by the County Chair with the approval of the CEC at the next scheduled meeting.
Section 4: Duties of the Officers shall be those prescribed by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, and by these bylaws as listed below:
A. COUNTY CHAIRMAN: The County Chairman is elected for a two (2) year term in the Texas Primary Election by county voters. The County Chairman shall be the CEC's presiding officer and official spokesman for the Party.1. He/She shall perform those duties required by statute and by these bylaws and rules of the Republican Party of Texas.2. He/She shall be an ex-officio (non-voting) member of all county Standing and Special Committees. Membership does not require approval. 3. The County Chairman may be a member of the Texas Republican County Chairman's Association and any assessments or dues shall be paid by the CEC.
B. COUNTY VICE-CHAIRMAN: The County Vice-Chairman shall be appointed by the County Chairman, with the appointment being confirmed by the CEC, for a term no longer than that of the County Chairman. The County Vice-Chairman shall assist the Chairman as directed in performance of duties of the office and in the event of death or inability of the Chairman to serve, shall serve as acting Chairman until the Chairman resumes his/her duties or until the election of the new Chairman by the CEC, to serve the unexpired term.
C. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall be appointed by the County Chairman with the approval of the CEC at the first statutory meeting of each newly elected CEC and serve for the same term as the CEC.1. The Secretary shall carry out the usual duties of that office, keeping an up to date roll of the CEC’s members and ensuring that each member receives timely notices of meetings.2. A Permanent file containing minutes of the CEC meetings shall be maintained.3. In the event of a vacancy in the office of County Chairman, the Secretary shall call a meeting of the CEC for the purpose of electing a new Chairman as provided for in Section 171.025 of the Texas Election Code.4. The County Chairman or Secretary is authorized to receive applications for a place on the Primary Ballot as provided for in Section 172.022 (a) (2) of the Texas Election Code.
D. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall be appointed by the County Chairman, with the approval of the CEC. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping systematic records and for complying with applicable state and federal statues with regard to reporting contributions and expenditures. The Treasurer shall prepare a written report of financial condition for presentation to the CEC at each regular meeting. Copies of the written report will be made available for review at the CEC meeting.
E) . PAC TREASURER(S) : The PAC TREASURER(S) shall be appointed by the County Chairman as needed and as determined by the CEC. The Political Action Committee Treasurer shall carry out the duties of that office as directed by the Texas Ethics Commission.
Section 1: The CEC shall meet at least once a quarter. All members shall be notified via email and/or phone of the time and place of these meetings at least ten (10) days prior to the date they are to be held. The Party Secretary shall email a copy of the previous meeting minutes no more than 15 days after each meeting. The Party Secretary shall post and provide an agenda within 72 hours of the scheduled meeting to CEC members.
Section 2: In the year in which the CEC is elected, the first regular meeting shall be an organizational meeting to be held within forty-five (45) days following the date of the Runoff Primary Election. A. The agenda of the organizational meeting shall include, but not be limited to, the swearing in of the newly elected executive committee members and the adoption of Bylaws and/or Rules for the biennium. B. The proposed Bylaws and /or Rules shall be sent out with the meeting call by USPS or by email at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting and shall be posted on the County website and may be sent prior to the end of the previous term at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting.
Section 3: Special Meetings:A. Special Meetings of the CEC may be held at any time upon:1. a written call issued by the County Chairman, or2. a written call signed by twenty percent (20%) or more of the members of the CEC in office at the time of signing of the call.
B. Notice of a Special Meeting: Any call must be delivered to the Secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date specified in the call for the meeting. The call and notice must include the time, date, and place of the Special Meeting, together with the object of the meeting. At least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting, written notice of the call containing the information required by the Bylaws, shall be mailed or emailed to each member of the CEC at his address as it appears on the records of the CEC by or under the authority of the Secretary.
B). Only business stated in the call can be addressed at the Special meeting.
Section 1: At all Regular and Special Business Meetings there shall be present, in order to constitute a quorum, at least twenty-five (25%) of the members of the CEC in office at the time the meeting is called to order.
Section 2: At all Statutory meetings, a quorum shall consist of those members of the CEC present, provided however, that if a majority of the members are not present, then only such business as is called for by the election Code shall be transacted.
Section 3: At all meetings of the CEC only members of the committee shall have privileges of the floor and have the right to vote.
Section 4: An audio or video recording of all CEC meetings may be taken by the Secretary. When feasible, a web- based livestream of the meeting may be taken, as well.
Section 5: All record votes of the CEC or related committees must be taken in person or by paper ballot at the designated time and place a meeting occurs.
Section 1: The Standing Committees may include but not limited to: Candidates, Finance, Leadership and Organization, Rules.
Section 2: The County Chairman shall appoint a Special Financial Review Committee to conduct an annual financial review of the financial records of the CEC. The Chairman of the Finance Committee and the Treasurer(s) shall be part of this committee. The financial review shall be completed by 1st statutory meeting.
Section 3: The County Chairman shall appoint chairman of the Standing Committees and any Special Committees deemed necessary to carry out the policies of the local Party. There should be no less than three(3) members on each committee.
Section 4: A committee chairman or member of a committee may be removed from a committee upon request of the committee chairman or County Chairman, with the two thirds approval of the CEC.
Section 1: The rules contained in the most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the CEC in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules promulgated by the Republican Party of Texas, or any state or federal statute.Section 2: PARLIAMENTARIAN: A Parliamentarian may be appointed by the County Chairman, with the approval of the CEC. The duties of this office will be to ensure that the meetings are conducted with Robert's Rules of Order.
Section 1: These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the CEC present and voting at the organizational meeting held within 45 days after the term of office begins for the County Chairman and Precinct Chairs and will be for the biennium. Copies of proposed Bylaw and/or Rule changes shall be either mailed via USPS or emailed 7 days prior to the date of the organizational meeting.
Adopted September 24, 2012Adopted July 28, 2014 Adopted March 25, 2021Adopted June 5, 2023
Standing Rule attached to By-Laws
1. This rule would allow the County Chair to spend up to $400 with the CEC to approve at the next meeting with valid documentation.Approved September 26, 2022
The name of this organization shall be the Kaufman County Republican Party Executive Committee, hereinafter referred to as the CEC (County Executive Committee).
Section 1: The purpose of the CEC shall be:a. To conduct the business of the Kaufman County Republican Party asrequired by the Texas Election Code, the Republican Party of Texas and any and all other business that may be required; to support the objectives and policies of the National and State Committees; and to work for the election of the Republican Party's nominees;b. To promote an informed electorate through political education;c. To increase the effectiveness of residents of Kaufman County in the cause of good government through active participation;d. To facilitate cooperation among Republicans of Kaufman and the surroundings counties and to promote the welfare and growth of theKaufman County Republican Party;e. To foster and encourage loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its ideals as outlined in the State Party Platform.
Section 2: The CEC is charged with the responsibility of observing all the laws of the State of Texas and these United States in fulfilling the purpose stated in this article.
Section 1: The members of the CEC shall be the County Chairman and the Precinct Chairman as provided by the Texas Election Code section 171.022 (I)
Section 2: To qualify to hold office of Precinct Chairman, a candidate must be a qualified voter residing within the bounds of the entity represented and cannot be a candidate for nomination or election to, or be the holder of, an elective office of the federal, state, or county government, as provided by the Texas Election Code section 161.005 and 171.022 (2).
Section 3: The CEC serves for a term of two years beginning the 20th day after the runoff primary election date as provided by the Texas Election Code section 171. 022 (2)(c).
Section 4: In accordance with the provisions of Section 171.025 of the Texas Election Code, any vacancy in the office of County Chairman or Precinct Chairman shall be filled by the CEC. A majority of the total membership of the CEC must participate in filling a vacancy and the person elected must receive a majority of votes cast of those members participating in the election as provided by the Texas Election Code section 171.024 (a) and (c) and 171.025.
Section 5: A member of the CEC may personally endorse a candidate in a contested Primary Election provided a disclaimer is included stating "title used /or identification purposes only".
Section 1 : The officers of the CEC shall be the County Chairman, the County Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and PAC Treasurer(s) as determined by the CEC. The officers of the CEC may or may not be precinct chairs.
Section 2: The term of office shall be concurrent with that of the CEC. The Treasurer and PAC Treasurer(s) shall serve until a new PAC Treasurer is appointed and the proper forms are filed with the Texas Ethics Commission and/or the Federal Elections Commission.
Section 3: A vacancy in the office of Secretary shall be filled by the County Chair with the approval of the CEC at the next scheduled meeting.
Section 4: Duties of the Officers shall be those prescribed by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, and by these bylaws as listed below:
A. COUNTY CHAIRMAN: The County Chairman is elected for a two (2) year term in the Texas Primary Election by county voters. The County Chairman shall be the CEC's presiding officer and official spokesman for the Party.1. He/She shall perform those duties required by statute and by these bylaws and rules of the Republican Party of Texas.2. He/She shall be an ex-officio (non-voting) member of all county Standing and Special Committees. Membership does not require approval. 3. The County Chairman may be a member of the Texas Republican County Chairman's Association and any assessments or dues shall be paid by the CEC.
B. COUNTY VICE-CHAIRMAN: The County Vice-Chairman shall be appointed by the County Chairman, with the appointment being confirmed by the CEC, for a term no longer than that of the County Chairman. The County Vice-Chairman shall assist the Chairman as directed in performance of duties of the office and in the event of death or inability of the Chairman to serve, shall serve as acting Chairman until the Chairman resumes his/her duties or until the election of the new Chairman by the CEC, to serve the unexpired term.
C. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall be appointed by the County Chairman with the approval of the CEC at the first statutory meeting of each newly elected CEC and serve for the same term as the CEC.1. The Secretary shall carry out the usual duties of that office, keeping an up to date roll of the CEC’s members and ensuring that each member receives timely notices of meetings.2. A Permanent file containing minutes of the CEC meetings shall be maintained.3. In the event of a vacancy in the office of County Chairman, the Secretary shall call a meeting of the CEC for the purpose of electing a new Chairman as provided for in Section 171.025 of the Texas Election Code.4. The County Chairman or Secretary is authorized to receive applications for a place on the Primary Ballot as provided for in Section 172.022 (a) (2) of the Texas Election Code.
D. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall be appointed by the County Chairman, with the approval of the CEC. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping systematic records and for complying with applicable state and federal statues with regard to reporting contributions and expenditures. The Treasurer shall prepare a written report of financial condition for presentation to the CEC at each regular meeting. Copies of the written report will be made available for review at the CEC meeting.
E) . PAC TREASURER(S) : The PAC TREASURER(S) shall be appointed by the County Chairman as needed and as determined by the CEC. The Political Action Committee Treasurer shall carry out the duties of that office as directed by the Texas Ethics Commission.
Section 1: The CEC shall meet at least once a quarter. All members shall be notified via email and/or phone of the time and place of these meetings at least ten (10) days prior to the date they are to be held. The Party Secretary shall email a copy of the previous meeting minutes no more than 15 days after each meeting. The Party Secretary shall post and provide an agenda within 72 hours of the scheduled meeting to CEC members.
Section 2: In the year in which the CEC is elected, the first regular meeting shall be an organizational meeting to be held within forty-five (45) days following the date of the Runoff Primary Election. A. The agenda of the organizational meeting shall include, but not be limited to, the swearing in of the newly elected executive committee members and the adoption of Bylaws and/or Rules for the biennium. B. The proposed Bylaws and /or Rules shall be sent out with the meeting call by USPS or by email at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting and shall be posted on the County website and may be sent prior to the end of the previous term at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting.
Section 3: Special Meetings:A. Special Meetings of the CEC may be held at any time upon:1. a written call issued by the County Chairman, or2. a written call signed by twenty percent (20%) or more of the members of the CEC in office at the time of signing of the call.
B. Notice of a Special Meeting: Any call must be delivered to the Secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date specified in the call for the meeting. The call and notice must include the time, date, and place of the Special Meeting, together with the object of the meeting. At least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting, written notice of the call containing the information required by the Bylaws, shall be mailed or emailed to each member of the CEC at his address as it appears on the records of the CEC by or under the authority of the Secretary.
B). Only business stated in the call can be addressed at the Special meeting.
Section 1: At all Regular and Special Business Meetings there shall be present, in order to constitute a quorum, at least twenty-five (25%) of the members of the CEC in office at the time the meeting is called to order.
Section 2: At all Statutory meetings, a quorum shall consist of those members of the CEC present, provided however, that if a majority of the members are not present, then only such business as is called for by the election Code shall be transacted.
Section 3: At all meetings of the CEC only members of the committee shall have privileges of the floor and have the right to vote.
Section 4: An audio or video recording of all CEC meetings may be taken by the Secretary. When feasible, a web- based livestream of the meeting may be taken, as well.
Section 5: All record votes of the CEC or related committees must be taken in person or by paper ballot at the designated time and place a meeting occurs.
Section 1: The Standing Committees may include but not limited to: Candidates, Finance, Leadership and Organization, Rules.
Section 2: The County Chairman shall appoint a Special Financial Review Committee to conduct an annual financial review of the financial records of the CEC. The Chairman of the Finance Committee and the Treasurer(s) shall be part of this committee. The financial review shall be completed by 1st statutory meeting.
Section 3: The County Chairman shall appoint chairman of the Standing Committees and any Special Committees deemed necessary to carry out the policies of the local Party. There should be no less than three(3) members on each committee.
Section 4: A committee chairman or member of a committee may be removed from a committee upon request of the committee chairman or County Chairman, with the two thirds approval of the CEC.
Section 1: The rules contained in the most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the CEC in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules promulgated by the Republican Party of Texas, or any state or federal statute.Section 2: PARLIAMENTARIAN: A Parliamentarian may be appointed by the County Chairman, with the approval of the CEC. The duties of this office will be to ensure that the meetings are conducted with Robert's Rules of Order.
Section 1: These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the CEC present and voting at the organizational meeting held within 45 days after the term of office begins for the County Chairman and Precinct Chairs and will be for the biennium. Copies of proposed Bylaw and/or Rule changes shall be either mailed via USPS or emailed 7 days prior to the date of the organizational meeting.
Adopted September 24, 2012Adopted July 28, 2014 Adopted March 25, 2021Adopted June 5, 2023
Standing Rule attached to By-Laws
1. This rule would allow the County Chair to spend up to $400 with the CEC to approve at the next meeting with valid documentation.Approved September 26, 2022
elected officials
congressman lance gooden congressional district 5
senate SD2 bob hall
State Representative hd 4 Keith Bell
County Judge jakie allen
sheriff Bryan beavers
422nd District court